
+ 18 ore di corso | + 30 Speakers | + 60 Video Lezioni | Lingua: Italiano

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    MODULE 1: Discover Fintech

    • Welcome to the Fintech Masterclass!

    • How to use the platform

    • Course Overview: structure and key takeaways

    • A definition of Fintech

    • Fintech: Risks & Opportunities

    • The Italian Fintech outlook status according to Fintech District

    • The Italian Fintech Growth Outlook according to Fintech District

    • Global market trends

    • EU market trends

    • Italian market trends

    • Re-start after COVID 19

    • BONUS: Migrant Banking

    • The investment market: Players

    • The investment market: Startup Life Cycle

    • The investment market: Global, Europe, Italy

    • Italian Fintech's Current and Future Challenges with ItaliaFintech

    • Discover Fintech Quiz

    • Discover Fintech Slide

    • Discover Fintech Resources

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    MODULE 2: Regulation & Technology

    • GDPR with BonelliErede

    • PSD2 with BonelliErede

    • MIFID I & MIFID II with BonelliErede

    • Artificial Intelligence with Modefinance

    • Artificial Intelligence applied to credit scoring with Modefinance

    • Use Case: MORE technology with Modefinance

    • What is an API with Fabrick

    • APIs in the fintech scenario with Fabrick

    • Use Case: What APIs enable with Fabrick

    • Advanced Analytics with Virtual B

    • Machine Learning: Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning with Virtual B

    • Text Analytics and putting data science at work with Virtual B

    • Regulation & Technology Quiz

    • Regulation & Technology Resources

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    MODULE 3: The Fintech Taxonomy

    • An introduction

    • Pure Fintech: Capital Markets & Trading

    • Pure Fintech: Crowdfunding

    • Pure Fintech: Crypto

    • Pure Fintech: InsurTech

    • Pure Fintech: Invoice & Tax Management

    • Pure Fintech: Lending

    • Pure Fintech: Neo Banks

    • Pure Fintech: PFM - Personal Finance Management

    • Pure Fintech: Smart Payments & Money Transfers

    • Pure Fintech: Wealth Tech

    • Techfin: Hybrid & Pure Tech

    • The Fintech Taxonomy Quiz

    • The Fintech Taxonomy Slide

    • The Fintech Taxonomy Resources

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    MODULE 4: Open Innovation - Collaborating with Fintechs

    • Introduction

    • A definition of Open Innovation

    • Open Innovation: 4 potential approaches

    • Case History – Acceleration/Incubation

    • Case History – Partnership

    • Case History – Investments

    • Case History – Buy (acquisitions)

    • The Open Innovation key points: Compliance

    • BONUS - The Open Innovation key points: Technological integration with Fabrick

    • BONUS - The Open Innovation key points: Technological integration II with Fabrick

    • The Open innovation Quiz

    • The Open Innovation Slide

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    MODULE 5: The Most Promising Startups

    • An introduction to the most promising startups

    • Introduction to Capital Markets

    • Capital Markets case study: Epic SIM

    • Introduction to Crowdfunding

    • Crowdfunding case study: 200Crowd

    • Crowdfunding case study: Walliance

    • Introduction to Cryptocurrencies

    • Cryptocurrencies case study: Conio

    • Cryptocurrencies case study: CheckSig

    • Cryptocurrencies case study: WizKey

    • Introduction to Insurtech

    • Insurtech case study: Yolo

    • Insurtech case study: See your box

    • Introduction to Lending/Alternative Finance

    • Lending/Alternative Finance case study: Borsadelcredito

    • Lending/Alternative Finance case study: Credimi

    • Lending/Alternative Finance case study: Soisy

    • Introduction to Neo Banks

    • Neo Banks case study: N26

    • Neo Banks case study: Penta

    • Introduction to Payments

    • Payments case study: Ebury

    • Payments case study: Plick

    • Introduction to Wealth tech

    • Wealth tech case study: Moneyfarm

    • Wealth tech case study: Virtual B

    • Introduction to Open Banking

    • Open Banking case study: Fabrick

    • Open Banking case study: Tink

    • The Most Promising Startups Quiz

    • The Most Promising Startups Slide

    • The Most Promising Startups Resources

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    Wrapping up

    • Final Test

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...

Cosa otterrai:

  • Una comprensione approfondita del futuro dei servizi finanziari e delle opportunità date dalle soluzioni Fintech
  • Tutti i contenuti sono fruibili in modalità On Demand. Potrai in qualsiasi momento accedere e guardare i video, mettere in pausa o rivedere le lezioni e i materiali che più ti interessano
  • Il certificato di completamento
  • L' accesso alla community esclusiva di studenti e al network di alumni

A chi è rivolto il corso?

Studenti, aziende, professionisti che vogliono approcciarsi alla conoscenza del Fintech e dell'ecosistema italiano

Con chi imparerai?